Monday, January 29, 2018

A Navel Orange for Mel

As an update, my brother Mel had a specimen of the puss from his ear taken last week and is do to have the stuff  removed this week. We don't know if it is cancer or not, but at least it appears that something is being done. On Friday, I brought him turkey legs and a Navel orange bought at Vons on Atlantic...oranges were ninety nine cents a pound.   In bed 135 B, Mel is sitting and happy to see me. Today is Mel day so the computers will have to wait till today, Monday.
   "Been under the weather Mel, that is why we can't go to Norms today. Brought you an orange and will have the cafeteria marinate the turkey legs for you. They will be served at dinner time."
    "I was looking forward to it. My this orange is good. I will be going back to the dermatologist next week. The doctor didn't think it was cancerous...Wish I could rid myself of this roommate. He never stops talking, but the nurse told me to shut up or they might ship me out."
    A nurse comes in and gives Mel a shot in the stomach for diabetes. Mel is enjoying the visit and of course the orange. Without love ones, simple things like oranges,apples and every day things are never seen again. Chances are almost one hundred percent Mel will be another body for the gurney.
    "Take you to Norms at end of the week."
     Mel inquires about my two daughters and asks me to get him a coke. This is a big treat for Mel as he lives in the twilight of this life here -- never to see a star or the sun again. Mel has outlived at least three from bed one and would have succumbed to brain cancer without my intervention.
     Mel is lucky. I have added to his meager meals for over one year. Without me, he has never seen the sun, fruit or a turkey leg. He is somewhat slimmer and now wishes to do something about his lazy fatty tissue eye lid.
      Mark Twin states that one can't judge a book by its cover. How would you like to be at the mercy of some fleabag doctor who wields the power of life or death over everyone.

On Sunday, I needed a cool place and why not the Waterfront Ocean Resort, a division of Hilton.
It took me a few minutes before pure air infiltrated my lungs. My apartment is a typical match stick flat roof and no insulation. I need to stoke up on meds during any freakish heat wave with crazy winds.
   A yellow cab, leased by Access, takes me to the Hilton. Catalina is so close I can almost touch it. I still find it hard to believe that Mel's ear infection was treated with drops by a Dr. Jennings when it appeared that he needed the small boil removed.
   I fill my tall dark with lots of milk and three small bottles of honey. It jakes up my body while I read the paper and watch the howling winds. The trailers begin to exit the lot as hot dusty winds are not what these explorers had in mind.
   I read the paper and every-so-often peek outside. I buy some spaghetti and meat balls and immediately, there is life in my bones...After a few minutes I go to another restaurant and enjoy an eggs burrito. My stomach filled, I sit back and watch the frolic in front of me. Hot weather and alcohol go hand in hand.  Inside the factory, there are lines everywhere, but mainly where the booze flows freely.
   I return to the Waterfront Hilton to get ready for my Access ride home. The $3,60 is a small price to pay to avoid the devilish heat wave of today.

Nuts and Bolts for today: Never send anyone to a nursing home, no matter how good, There is no place like home. Just ask my Mom who outlived her doctor for five years while she battled Leukemia.


Monday, January 22, 2018

What is wrong with Nursing homes..

A week and a half ago, before I traveled to Beverly Hills, I met with a committee to overview my brother's medical care. Nurse David told me that my brother Mel came here with brain cancer, caused by an untreated ear over two years ago. His Royal Pacific doctor treated him with ear drops.  Mel had had this ear infection-going on now for over two years...The Huntington Hospital treated him for several problems, including an ear infection. Mel was handed off to the  The Sea Cliff Health Care Center, on Florida Street in Huntington Beach. He still suffered with head aches on the side of the ear problem and an earlier doctor drilled inside ear!   
The Sea Cliff meeting was held in the family room. In attendance were Barbara, Christie , the records lady, the activities director and Kelly, the nutritionist.
  With a bag of Doritos, the activities director sat by the door and munched on her chips. Barbara, the ombudsman sat on a chair concerned about a sick one at home. Christie the social worker sat on a couch next to the lady with the Mel's file. . The time was one twenty five p.m., two Wednesdays ago
    "I still don't know what my brother is being treated for and who is doctor is.  He has been here now for over about one and a half years and is finally being treated for his ear problem. Why?"          There... was... a... long... silence. 
    "His name is ah... Nasser." spoke Christie,  the social worker. Again a long pause.
     "Might his first name be Joseph. He had billed my brother over twenty times...but either of us have ever seen the doctor who has prescribed all of his medication.  
     "Just maybe every time the P.N enters the room, Nasser uses the visit as his."  piped up Christie,  the social worker.
      "Yes, he bills my brother for over $400 a visit but Medical pays for only a piece of it."
      "He is lucky," interrupted Barbara, the ombudsman, barely concerned. Medical pays for as little as the need to.. All awhile, Kelly is listening without any reaction and the activities director is still munching on her Doritos. 
      "But how is his brain cancer being treated."
       The lady with the charts looks over her box of files. Her English is barely passable. 
        "The medical papers state nothing about brain cancer or ear infection."
        This time there is a long silence. I feel as if I am being stonewalled for a cover-up that reverts to the time Mel spent in the Pacific Spartan assistant living apartments. At almost two o'clock, the meeting finished, I called them back.
       "Thank you Kelly for the turkey sandwiches...can you please also serve Mel ice berg lettuce."

     I returned to room 135 B and saw that Mel was eating the Panda yellow chicken I had brought. I walked the rest of the way home to my Magnolia Beach apartments in the knowledge that I stood up for my brother. It felt good to rid myself of this draconian nursing center on Florida Street.  On my way home on Garfield Blvd, I enjoyed my walk though God's two miles of trees and flowers.
     Just maybe there had been a cover up by Mel's primary doctor to insure that Dr. Jennings and the Pacific Living would not be implicated 

  Nuts and Bolts for today: At bible study, my Rabbi  spoke about how life is like refining iron ore to make a perfect steel casting. 

Thursday, January 11, 2018

A Peach Tree Grows in Surf City

At the bus stop next to the Waterfront Hilton on P.C.H lives a peach tree. No matter how I feel, it has become my best friend.
   Up until lately one could barely see my peachy tree, hidden by tall Palms are no longer. The tree barely visible sat with me while I waited for the #25 to take me to the library or the Senior Center. Last year, it cried since it produced only fruit, that never ripened. But oh my, have things change. Now its arms can be seen growing westward -- as the sun goes down in the west. No longer hidden by the large palm branches, it now can produce a juicy crop of peaches.
   A scientist once said that life is all about matter. There are good ones and bad ones. I climbed the stairs of the Waterfront Hilton and set down my bag. I felt tired after undergoing some grave issues in a conference at the Sea Cliff Health Center and a meeting with staff there.
   "The usual, a strawberry smoothie."
    Where you been, missed you this morning.
     Had another matter to attend to...charge me for a Times also...Thanks
     To relax my mind, I looked out the glass door and thanked God I didn't need to hear about floods, fires, and Trump putting mud in everyone's eye. I wondered if Mel would survive this winter as the flu season is the worst ever.
     It took a little to long to pick up a prescription at Kaiser as everyone asked about the mechanics of a spray for breathing. The gal next to me screamed, "Had it now for two weeks, so where is my medication?" My order had not been processed since yesterday but a supervisor did me a favor by calling my doctor and processing my prescription .
     A bus, a little late, took me to the street mall close to the Sea Cliff. I had a meeting with staff members scheduled for one twenty five. Mel could not get out of bed, even when I announced a Panda Express with Orange chicken.
     Inside the family room we had our meeting, including the ombudsman for that home. Rather than give you a blow by blow since it is flu season, I can mention that these members held their breath when I confessed that a certain doctor had billed Medical for thousands of dollars and Mel had never seen him.
     "His name is Stanley. Must have used his Practicing Nurse instead of visiting him."
      "Know the doctor...every month he goes on another trip...No wonder that Medical is in trouble. Looks like doctors pad their bills...Even though he bills them for three or four hundred, Medical authorizes only a hundred for payment."
      "That much...Wow!" That was Barbara, the Ombudsman.
       "And why has his brain cancer been treated?"
        "Who told you that?"
       " A nurse."
        The social worker told me that only doctors could diagnose the problem. The lady with his files expressed in broken English barely audible that there was no indication of any ear problem in his files.
         "Got to be a cover up of mal practice." 
          "By the way, Mel is scheduled to have his ear worked on Tomorrow."
          "Can't make it. Got to be in L.A."

It was now three thirty and my number one bus would come at three fifty. The smoothie was what I needed to energize the walk to the bus stop...It stopped and inside stumbled across many black and grey beards, barely doubt headed for the Santa Ana river or some other shelter. I got off at Magnolia and sauntered over to where a high school team had been practicing. 
    As you can see, I had a peachy day.

P.S. for those with kids, have them draw a peach tree and include inside blog.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

A Blue Monday in Surf City

"You are George, aren't you?"
 I opened the back door of the yellow cab and took a seat.
 "Yes I am George. Good morning."
 I handed the four dollar access fee to him and we headed for the Whole Foods in Huntington Beach. I clipped on my seat belt and chatted with Mario. We laughed the whole way to the market.
   "Didn't know you had a T.V. There is a picture of the MS-13 gang inside a Salvador prison."
   "George, the FBI rounds  up anyone looking like a gang member and ships them off to Salvador."
    "Hey Mario, why not show X-rated movies on the T.V."
    "The old timers would not like it. Like the way you enjoy life George."
     The Yellow cap made several turns until Edinger came up when he made a right and then left into the Bella Terra parking lot.
      "Buenos Diaz and mucho gracias."
I had a small breakfast and at nine o'clock walked to the Bank of America. Needed to pad my friends account with a few dollars. As usual, I walked up to the cage and handed the teller a few hundreds to be deposited in her account.
      "Sorry, we no longer deposit cash into our accounts, that is unless you have an account with us.  The Federal government no longer allow it." I didn't make any headway with the teller but the manager told me she would allow me to place a Franklin into my friends account."
        "You must obtain a money order and then we can deposit any amount in a home account."
The manager allowed me to make a cash deposit into my friends account and I left to wait for the #29 to take me to the Waterfront Hilton off of P.C.H.

On a clear day one can see Catalina and smell the salty beach air --  that is if there is an on shore flow. The bus stop is next to the hotel. The three dollar large roasted coffee is just what I need, especially after I dunk a few jars of honey and half an half inside the large cup. I then gaze out the front door window at the beach scene.
    Today I have only a few minutes until the #25 bus picks me up for a trip to the Senior Center. I don't go for food but for laughs My table sits in the back. After I sign in, I see my buddy Rick at the table but there is a table setting for another.
     "Need a transmission for my van. Need seventy five dollars."
      "Where you been...been away for several weeks now."
       "Vegas to see my daughter. She passed the medical exam and is a doctor"
       Why doesn't she lend you the money?
        She does not have any.
It was then I looked up and saw an old grey hair lady looking at me  Since my sponsor told me to be nice to anyone, I introduced myself and Rick to her.
        Name is Joan.
        Born here is Huntington
        No from Lincoln Nebraska...moved here with my husband several years ago.
         Mom was a controlling bitch...She would have broken up my marriage.
         Have kids?
         Three but don't speak to them...They are out of my will...Got a bag of tangerines from my tree...Got a place for them.
          Got to go now. My husband has Alzheimers, has had it for six years.
          They severe looking grew hair lady left with her empty bag now. I took out a tangerine and felt pleased that I afforded her time to talk. I then crossed Golden West and went to the library to ready myself for tomorrows date with a computer man. He would help me make a computer.


Friday, January 5, 2018

Waterfront Wedding.

The Waterfront Hilton Hotel is the scene of the wedding of the year. The event begins at three o'clock and of course I will attend in a seat at the coffee shop. That is where Kennedy and Fisher will take their vows, and are they in luck. It is a perfect day for the ceremony, with not a cloud in the sky with no wind.
    My Access taxi had picked me up at eight o'clock sharp and drove me to the front off of Atlantic Avenue. Inside I walked up some steps and peered out the window. A few hundred seats had already been set up in front the pool with a divine view of the and a worker hosing the pavement and arranging chairs.   I pass the dinning area, at least for now, and begin to turn left. No way can my retirement check allow me to invest in a hardy $50 buffet.
    "Good morning sir...Have a good day...Nice to see you again.." The well dressed host always provides a friendly smile. Today I can see Catalina as  make a turn in the coffee clutch area and order my large dark brew"
     "Want the usual...large and dark with room."
      I take my large Starbucks to the filling station and pour several small jars of honey into it. I then ;pour half and half until it hits the rim of the cup. Gently I stir it and walk into the patio area. Workers are breaking up the stone walk way and removing large Palm trees Several Latino workers shovel and haul away the remains.
       Wouldn't be great if all Latinos, legal or whatnot's struck and walked off the job. It would paralyze are economy and perhaps take our man Trump down a peg. 

Outside on :P.C.H I see that my bus, the #25 is about to roll so I descend the steps and wait on Huntington Avenue. It is great to leave the driving to Hertz. I mean Octa and allow me to smooch with the view. The bus turns to Orange and proceeds to Seventeenth Street.. It turn on Main and makes another on Yorktown before lumbering on to Golden West.
   At Garfield Mother Hubbard climbs...I mean slithers up the steps carrying her large black handbag, two others and cane. Her rectangular face has no expression, but it is her socks that scare the dickens out of me. She has worn those same white wool socks for months now. Some of the threads are outside the sock. Over her rectangular head she wears her grey-black hair down to her shoulder.
   Before we get to my destination, Talbert and the library, I reflect on the last dinner with my grandchildren and marvel at the way Olivia told a story about a man with no respect. Life would certainly be a bore without grandchildren.
   For those who wish to get to the wedding, don't drive but take the #29 bus from Beach going south to get there. Also the number one bus can do the same.