Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Surf City's Trader Joe's

(The names and character descriptions have been changed, to avoid litigation.)

A visit to Trader Joes begins my day. When lucky, the sun is out so that I can absorb rays of vitamin D at a table next to the health store. In the rear of Trader Joe's, I fill up a small cup of coffee with a squirt of half-n-half. And it is free! It is not always that you can get a free cup of coffee, even if tiny. And by and by, I grind all my coffee there since it is rich in taste and inexpensive.  
   "Morning George, How are you doing?" 
   "Allow me to drip a few drops into the cup and I will be able to answer you." 
    A large smile welcomes the day. One employee told me that they must smile and look excited or they are farmed out to Ralph's.  A shot of coffee does wonders for my morale.  I usually pick up a small can of tuna, two bananas and a large bottle of Trader Joe's Sparkling mineral water. Again the cashier throws a happy face my way and asks if I wish a bag.  
     "A small bag if you please...thank you." 
      "You know they are ten cents." 
    I sit at an outside table and enjoy the rays of Mr. Sun. There is no wind today, except the wind-bag in front of me. The heavy looking man wears a large heavy coat and lights up one. I first set eyes on him a few months ago when he left the bushes in back of the Talbert Library. 
      I called him the Marlboro Man since he is always filtering his smoke my way. His face and jaw resembles a prize fighter who has had one too many fights. He speaks with a Bronx accent to  anyone withing an arms distance. 
     The parking lot is jammed with large expensive cars. Those who leave carry a Trader Joes bag. They walk to the store as if they are modeling for a men's fashion magazine. Later in the day I return to buy their New York Skirt Steak and a large quart of chocolate chip ice cream You just can't beat their meat or ice cream. 
   In case you haven't guessed it I am a people watcher. A couple of denizens emerge carrying several bouquets of flowers. I have seen some place them inside their own stores. 
  Well it is time for me to visit my brother down the street. I bring him a few Trader Joe Cutie tangerines for his desert at the Sea Cliff Health Center. 

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