Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Keno's, the best eatery in town

I met Gentleman Jim on a Tuesday. The pool room serves two families. Those who shoot billiards and one who scores on the piano when the pool room is emptied. I sat down in this Encinitas Senior Center and had a chance to speak with Jim. 
   "Well, Jim, how is your blood pressure today?"
   "The beach seems to agree with me. I went there yesterday and took in some sun. My pressure is only 160 over eighty today."
   "What do you say we take in a spaghetti lunch at Keno's later." He agreed and continued to play pool while I singed the computer key board. 
   I better describe Jim since you would never miss him in a crowd. He is missing all of his front teeth but two. He owns one on top and one on the bottom. He mashes his food with the few molars in the back. His unshaven face and uneven hair makes you think he is another homeless one, but indeed he is not. 
   His large spotted knapsack had needed a dermatologist for years. He is always with his guarded Knapsack since it is home to a two thousand dollar lab top. It is that old but is wedded to Gentleman Jim till the end of time. The Coaster conductors ignore him-he looks so pitiful. But not I, no not I. He reminds me of the real me. I too am a non-conformist believing to walk God's walk through nature and not with smart phones and reality T.V. 
   I drove him and is backpack to Keno's where many go for a brew or two or three and cheap but quality meals that kiss ones stomach with love.  It sits off of highway 101 and no doubt will be stamped a Historical monument when the owner goes to the whiskey shop in heaven. Today we share a $2.95 large spaghetti plate with garlic bread. He orders a sandwich with fries also. Like me, he is unique and anything but boring. 
  The Alvarado Hospital charged me one hundred thousand dollars for one week of care. I could have left in three days but my doctor went on a fishing trip with my money. I will probably need to sell on of my trucks to pay the bill and fend-off the IRA. 
  "But Jim, I must hand it to our President. Obama has killed over three hundred thousand Arabs by pulling out of Iraq. I can still hear this great president threatening the Syrian one by saying, "Here is the line, step over it or else!" 
  "I have not met one marine inside Camp Pendleton that adores this man, particularly after the Benghazi affair." 
  'Of course there was no Isis until after Obama became our head of state. He had done more to help Israel than any other president." 
 The spaghetti meal comes and I make toast out of my half. Jim must have been hungry as his garlic bread sweeps clean his plate. 
  'Well lets go to the beach. The sun and some exercise will keep your blood pressure down and also digest your food. Later I took him to the Encinitas train station so he could return to Oceanside where he shares a bedroom with another. 
  I was still beaming with happiness that i had saved eight dollars until my State check would arrive...and it did the next day.  

1 comment:

  1. Keno's is only two blocks north of Encinitas Blvd. It is a good place to fill up before heading to the Del Mar Fare or the Race Track later on.
