General Robert Cardenas was the most highly decorated Mexican flier while in the air force. The celebration of his 94th birthday was held at the Veteran's Memorial Park Museum. I happened to crash in this last Saturday afternoon of the 15th of March.
I had been going to this Museum, off and on, for the last three years. Balboa Park is where several chapters of my football story take place. Amby Schindler lived just in back of the Park, the Golden Hills area of San Diego, also called Goat's Hill. On wanted to get a phone number from Captain Hays, in charge of the Veterans Museum. On my arrival, I saw men my age dressed up in their military garb.
I had no idea it was a birthday party for a veteran of several wars dating back to World War 2. No longer did he resemble the picture of an young air force flier who began his career in the National Guard and resurfaced at San Diego State College with his lieutenant wings.
Shot down over Germany during World War 2 he swam to safety. After the war he flew the plane that held the X 1 and Chuck Yeager. They set the speed record then.
The internet will tell you more about this highly decorated American flier since I must describe the Museum in hopes you will visit it.
When I first came upon Balboa Park, it was the Rose Garden and cactus plants that mesmerized me. It took me awhile to enter the area that was once a Naval Hospital during World War 2. Below the hospital sat this chapel that now was a museum. On the walls were stories of veterans of all of our wars, dating back from the Revolutionary one. Exhibits showed the attire of our fighting forces. One day while admiring the many pictures accompanied with stories, a young grey haired man, like myself, walked up to me.
"Notice you've been a coming here often. Who are you?"
Well I came to San Diego to write a story about Ambrose Schindler. He served in the Navy and was the Superintendent of the Lilly Pond at Balboa Park during the war. He rehabbed sailors in the water there. My name is George Garrett.
"You are always welcomed here Mr. Garrett. I am Captain Hays and when you have finished your book, you can have a book signing here. I am the Chairman of this Veterans Memorial Chapel.
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