Saturday, March 8, 2014

Balboa Park Dancing Lessons

Now everyone get into a circle. The men are to go counterclockwise. George, you dummy, the other way. I stopped and she hit me straight in my face. She hit me with the deep guttural voice of a man. Her name also was Billy.
   The Balboa Bay Dance Club met that Friday evening at seven. Often over two hundred show up.  Earlier I had refreshed my 74 year old body at the Prado restaurant next to the main buildings. I took advantage of the early bird specials and treated myself to a chicken skewer plate with lemon capers and humus. The meal including two cups of coffee came to $8.75.
   With my stomach re-energized,  I ambled back to the ballroom that sat in back of the Organ Pavilion and paid my five dollars. Slowly, the members filed in. I Japanese couple tangoed better than Ginger Rodgers. and Fred Astaire. A few others could have won on Dancing with the Stars. It was free dancing until seven thirty.
   The dancing club meets Friday and Sunday evenings at seven o'clock. Admission is five dollars. There are three groups of lessons given the same time: intermediate, beginning, and advanced. It costs twenty dollars to join which gets you into their free finger licking good Friday parties
   "One minute to go!" That was cup cake. Well this funny little agile comedian kept us all in stitches- of course one step at a time. "Get into a circle and walk clockwise for your partner. That was when I met Deep Throat.  
 "My name is Billy. My you have beautiful eyes." Her eyes collided with mine. She grabbed my hands and pressed down. Her raspy voice was a note below my baritone one.
   'Hey take at easy! Those fingers are insured by the Rothschild's for one million dollars. My second profession is piano playing."
   Then cup cake began the foxtrot lesson. Why he is so cute you could almost eat him up. "Now bend your right knee and take two steps together and slide to the left. I will do it again Follow me. Take two steps forward, hesitate and one left. Don't take long steps and talk to the other. By all means talk."
   Besides Billy, I danced with another one named Janice. She owned beautiful sparkling eyes with a smile to match. And what curves - why a camel should be so endowed. We dance later on and I just knew I would be seeing her again.
Salsa was our next lesson.  We took a ten minute water break to talk and change socks. I noticed other bevies and was able to dance with them all. Some did not like my way of dancing. I apologized to them.  "How do I know what my left legs is going to do. It never talks to me. Thank God my right legs follows it. . At about nine the lessons were over and I felt like a new born babe. I danced a few numbers and threw away my age for one hour. No longer ancient, I felt like a kid in a brand new candy shop.
   The merry-go-round was over at ten and I retreated to my car and back to the Trolley parking lot. A Trolley took me home after a ten minute wait. Now I was five pounds lighter as both of my shoes swam in my shoes.
   Note next Friday is party night. Twenty dollars will get you in with a membership. I believe there is a band.

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