Tuesday, March 25, 2014

More with Lady Barbara

"I am sure the Mott family is behind Obama today. That is why our country is going to the dogs. Remember George when I told you George Schmidt hated my guts. It probably was the reason he wished to send my husband to Saudi-Arabia to build a power plants."
   Earlier that morning, I took two dirty shirts to be dry cleaned at the cleaners on B Street across from the Santa Fe Station. There was something special about the store where the owner spoke English. Her name was Marion and she promised to change the stores name from  Splendid to one more appropriate
   Next store a banner had signaled the opening of the Nosh. It would be an April 1 opening. I wondered if it as a put on or real. I just knew a Jewish deli meant lots of business for the cleaners next door.  I strode to the #567 Amtrak for my trip to Encinitas. I hoped that Lady Barbara's back was better. I miss her when she is not there.
   For those new to my Blog, Lady Barbara married the second in command of Bechtel, and also related to numerous famous Greene's down through history. Her ancestry goes back to the Sixth Wife of Henry the Eighth. Her dislike of the Mott family goes way back when they "controlled the Democratic Party. The wife of Schmidt despised her since she was an outspoken  Republican.
   Again we are at Table number 5. With us today are Thomas, Ron, Abe,  Leona and me. It is chicken with the trimmings. Lady Barbara continues.
  "My husband Jay and I went to Mexico a few times on business. For the life of me, I did not know why some Mexican women did not shave their legs. One told me they did not wish to be mistaken for an Indian since they don't have hair on their legs. I found out about the animosity of the ruling class and the Indians. It is probably why they could not ever get ahead in life."
  At that moment, Leona cut a piece of her chicken for me and a few vegetables. She is only ninety five and always repeats what her Dad told her. "Never be anything but a Democrat."  I had not called for lunch since I thought I would go to the new San Diego Library. My plans change from moment to moment since I listen to Him and I don't disappoint.
   Lady Barbara had her legs folded on a chair to relieve the pain from her back. She had been born with a curved spine, much like a camel. In fact, she could no take regular gym class. Now even though these are just tidbits from Table 5, I hope you will allow me to recall her story after I had told her how my Mom beat the hell out of me with a broom.
   "You are not alone. After we knelt down to do our prayers, I did not fall asleep. I waited for my Dad to enter my room and  I would go to the bathroom. My brother told me later on that he abused him when I wasn't there."
    I told Barbara that in the forties, I sold figs from my red wagon for one penny a piece. Some ate too many and I charged them a nickle to use our toilet.
   "Well George, it reminds me of when my brother and I sold lemonade on the corner. Mom got so embarrassed with us. We always went to bed a little hungry but relaxed when my Mom told my Dad to shove off. I never saw my Dad again and may have been the reason I married Jay. We both needed each other so much. Jay's Dad  had divorced his Mom and he never knew his own Dad. He had been brought up in a boarding house."
   "Why Jay ruled in my house. He never gave me or the kids any cross words. His words were followed with ease and piece. We made all say the Lord's prayer before bed. Each of our seven kids turned out not just OK but with great jobs."
   At that point, her lift came and Ron helped her carry the bag of left overs. I came into the computer room one hour ago to make sure her story would never be forgotten. After all, she has seventeen Grand Children en  and three Great Ones.

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