Friday, March 20, 2015

The Metro-Link train for Los Angeles

Wednesday I needed a break from Reality. I felt happy my buddy Sam, not his real name, got the go-ahead to sink the Titanic. But the case against Twentieth Century Fox will begin in August. God spoke, "George it is time to visit your daughter."
    Well who am  I to disagree with my God. Besides, a magnet was drawing me to daughter number 2 - which means I felt like it and wanted to visit her.

  The afternoon commuter train Metro-Link left the Oceanside Transit station at 3;00 for the Riverside spur or 3:20 for the one headed for Los Angeles. I felt over-excited that Sam's case would proceed, finally in a San Diego courtroom setting. Twentieth Century Studios never credited him for all of the flower decorations on four sets. He knew everyone on the set of the Titanic. The case begins in August. 
   As always, I had trouble with the Metro-Link ticket machines. One took only plastic while the other handled green-backs. I bought my one-way seven dollar ticket and took up a seat. I wished to finish my Lindbergh book and view the landscape. (A downtown supervisor told me all their machines had trouble as they needed to change the server.) 
   I sat in the quiet car so as not to disturb those with cell phones and chatter. I needed quiet in my old age, although some take me for sixty-five or even younger. The train was almost empty and I again traced the life of Lindbergh's Spirit of St. Louis. My back-pack had two water bottles and a Ralph's fried chicken inside on compartment. 
   Graffiti-painted building told me  the Grand-Central-Station would be our next stop. Inside the building I tapped, placed one dollar and seventy five cents into the machine, tapped again and walked to the turnstiles where I tapped again. 
   I rush of excitement shook me since I would again see daughter number two. The underground train put me face to face with the old Wiltern Theater and Western Avenue. I took the 720 red-rapid bus into Beverly Hills. The #14 Metro bus brought me face to face with the old Ralph's Market. My mom Edith bought our meats and produce there many years ago. 
  Pico Blvd had undergone big changes since the forties. The larger cars were bumper-to-bumper and each were in a hurry to go nowhere. 
   I walked up Pico Blvd and knocked. She didn't expect me but told me I could sleep in the bedroom-that is for twenty dollars. She played a DVD of my Bell-and-Howells old 1940's movies. Costco had placed the super-eights on DVD's for me for about twenty two dollars. 
   And on her digital T.V. there was my Mom and Dad swimming inside the Highland Springs Pool-our vacation spot every summer. Mel and I were swimming too, and showing how well we understood ow to do the back stroke. Those were the days, my friends, my grand-kids Summer and Spring will have to see as they grow up. 
   Of course the next day I took the #14 into Beverly Hills and purchased half of a regular cut seeded rye and a quarter pound of their fresh chopped liver. You guessed it, it was Nate n' Al's Deli off of Beverly Drive. I sat in front of Starbucks and enjoyed the view of the large black cars fighting-always fighting- for a curb parking place. 
   I spent the next two hours at the Beverly Hills Library. Afterwards, the number 16 bus took me to downtown where I did my Tap dance with the underground again, but this time in reverse. The 3:30 Metro-Link back gave me a kick-in-the-pants when a young stranger got off at Orange. It looked like an accordion at first but later turned into a Scooter. 
  "Sir may I ask you a question...." he turned to look at me. "Does that scooter work on electricity?" 
  "Cost me one dollar a month to charge it. I go twenty miles an hour. My wife calls it our second car. When my wife gets made at me, she screams and says, "Scoot..and  return with chocolate ice cream."   " It is called an EcoReco Electric Scooter and is powered by a Lithium battery."
   Now the train descended on Oceanside and I knew I needed to save up for this magical way to travel.  (Not edited)  

1 comment:

  1. So I found the way to conserve on gas, money, and the environment. It is called the Folding Electric Scooter. It can be carried in a large sturdy hand-bag.
