Sunday, March 8, 2015

Downtown Los Angeles

The tooth fairy kept me alive and allowed my temporary to fill the canine gap. God had never left me but was mad at me for chewing too much candy. Even though my Mom took us to our dentist for a cleaning, she never made - yes made us brush before bed time.
   The temporary felt fine this morning, and I could eat without pain. The cracked tooth had bothered me for a long time, but I had been in denial. I wished to celebrate. I felt like taking a train ride to Old Los Angeles, meaning downtown.
   The ten-dollar-all-day Metro-Link was in effect. It always is on a Saturday or Sunday.  My fix is riding on a train.  And why not? I can read, look at the breathless view of San Clemente and San Juan..and so-forth. Of course there is nothing like a dame or the blue Pacific Ocean.
    I arrived at the station at about seven thirty. My breakfast consisted of two Naval Oranges, a extra large avocado from the 99 cents store, a banana, and a box of cheerios. It was a beautiful sunny day, not a cloud in the sky. Why I could look to the west and see Japan in the distance. It appeared that the train's pilot had been delayed, as he probably over-slept. We left the station at eight forty five, thirty minutes late. I removed my Lindbergh Sandwich and began to eat his biography.
  Two blond gals in back of me sound like Lucille Ball and her friend Ethel. The duo could not stop jabbering. Whey even Lindbergh's plane lost its Spirit and told Charles to wait before taking off from Dutch Flats, in San Diego 1727. I jumped up and asked them if they wished any cereal - of course only to change their political topic .
   '"I told the gal in the furthest of the two seats not to jab at Obama so much. "Yes," I told her, "He does not know shit about politics but as an American, at least gave him a change to play golf and fly anywhere at anytime in the world."
   She apologized, and told me that "Orange County is conservative." My response was simple: "Only ,  in American does any color have a chance to rule. That is what makes our country so great!"
   I continued to read and eat my fist Navy Orange. I felt overjoyed when the #664 passed through Irvine. A few weeks back, the grey-looking orange trees looked dead. The Orange groves today smiled back since their children bore bright yellow fruit.  .
   We made over twelve stops but I didn't have a care in the world. With a happy mouth, a great book, and luscious green vegetation, nothing could bother me. Yes I was still homeless, but the blue skies and happy surroundings made me feel like a king for a day.
   I arrived at the downtown Union Station at about ten fifty, twenty minutes late. I hurried to the men's toilet and got into a little line. A father in front of me told "Joey to hurry up...others were waiting while a disabled man had pants down to his knee.
   Of course the men's and ladies toilets had been installed over one hundred years ago. At least I did not  need to wait in the long-lady lines. It was twenty-five deep. I can assure you the builders of the Station didn't give a dam about installing more toilets for the ladies. Thank God I had been born a man.
    I took the underground to Seventh Avenue and Wiltshire having paid almost two dollars for a train card. AT&T were filming a commercial. I bought a salad at the Central Library and requested information about from the Daily News and N.Y. Time microfilms. The mega Gas and Bank of America buildings looked so high-up I could not see the top.
    I ordered a couple of micro-films from the fourth floor.  I needed more flavor about the miracle at the Coliseum at the 1939 Rose Bowl and got it. I took a few JPG's and relaxed. My research also confirmed that the Jews were still in concentration camps after the war. The British, at least, allowed them to eat. They too did not give-a-dam. Over 20,000,000 Germans could not go home. My relatives, if alive, were trapped. Many died having contacted typhus, or perforating their stomach due to eating too much at one time.
  At three o'clock I went to the Panda Express on the first floor and ate the usual consisting of rice and Chow Main  and an orange chicken. I felt excited that I would see Zelda again at the train station. This Yugoslavian had sat in back of me on the trip from the Oceanside Transit Station.
   The #666 curled around the station and set sail for Oceanside. I found out that Zelda, not her name, had been born in a section of Serbia called Kosovo. She confessed that it was Tito that screwed up her country and split up her state. She also said that King Alexander did more than anybody in defeating the Germans
   She had a great education and spoke Hungarian as well as her native language. I could not believe all of the hard classes she took when her country still was caused Yugoslavia. "That Ass-Hole Tito screwed up the country by splitting it up. And Mr. Clickton bombed our house." I asked about her job in the plastic business.
   "We have a factory in Minnesota. We ship plastic cups to Target and several other big stores. I work out of my computer. That means I can visit my Mom and keep my fingers on the business. My lab top goes everywhere with me. It never complains and when I feel too-alone, I can dial my friends. Who in the hell needs a husband? My Carlsbad boss makes the decisions and I implement them. I get paid well and am always reading. There is no T.V. in my house. T.V. watching is the problem with this country!"
   "Well Zelda, what are you going to do when we get to Oceanside.?"
   "I will call my friends and go on a dog-walk with them."

  Nuts and Bolts from San Diego! The Bolts might be leaving San Diego but this Nut is staying. My biography of the greatest U.S.C. football player is ready to go. Anybody can refer me to an editor or publisher. My e-mail is 

1 comment:

  1. I just might look for a home after my Ambrose Schindler story is published
