Friday, November 18, 2016

Huntington Beach Thanksgiving, 2016

Rebe Berkowitz told the Warner Avenue Congregation to make good from bad. . I reserved a room at the Westminster Motel Six for last night. Crazy Helen at the Five Points Senior Center ordered me out since Cocker Roaches had been seen -- and later confirmed, in my own apartment. Of course the niggardly spent apartments never had seen a fumigator, much less a bomber. In no way would I allow the Big Roach in the office to steal another day.
   Barely able to breath when I left my apartment yesterday, I still breathed enough air to take two buses and get to the Huntington Beach Senior Center. They would have a turkey meal and the manager of the cafĂ© always prepared a quality meal.
    Still barely able to breathe, I bought a fifty cent, coffee and enjoyed my time with the Swede and the ex-Flying Tiger hostess. She flew out of San Francisco during the Vietnam War. Again I thanked Andrew for the $30 gift card to be used at a Honey Baked store
     Now I have to forgive myself for taking another chip for the meal. You need a chip on the paper place mat for a meal. I placed another mat and set a seat next to me. I felt famished and needed a good meal to get through the day.
     My paper plated meal and that of Dr. No, the invisible man who sat next to me. I told the server he went to the bathroom. so with two meals staring me in the face, I began with the stuffing and then the cranberries before the fresh sliced turkey and oh yes, some sting beans. Why I even thought that this Thanksgiving meal rivaled the best of my son-in-law Derik,
      With no time to lick my shop or wipe my face, I attacked Dr. No's meal. in no time I had enough energy to play a few tunes on the piano and leave for the twelve o'clock. It took two buses with the last being the 60 to get me to the Motel Six. It sits in back of the In-'N-Out and a fifties restaurant called the Westminster.

Room 218 in the rear was not my fist choice but gave me the slumber I sorely needed. Still i was digesting the delicious turkey. At least if I died, it would be after a Thanksgiving meal. I made the mistake of clicking on the T.V. Everyone was bashing Adolf Hitler, I mean Trump.  I saw the faced of Himmler. Goering and other Nazis and decided to take a nap.
   I woke up at five o'clock, hungry again and thought I would try to 50's Westminster Restaurant -- and forgo the In-N-Out. Lines of cars waited in line as far as Willow street, but  I had given up meat and the table spoons of salt the integrate with it.
    Two people ate inside but I took a chance. It smelled fresh, unlike the last time that I ate their a year ago. I learned later that new floors and furniture no graced the establishment. I body yearned for something wild. At the fountain were the specials and in my price range.
    "I'll take the Red Snapper with the baked potato and vegies."
     "What do you wish to drink?"
      "Pepsi."  I thanked God for providing me with a roof over my head and food to boot. A tape was playing songs from the fifties and my mood cascaded from depression to exhilaration. Several more people entered as my friendly waitress brought my food.
      Now I have never seen a baked potato smile but this one did. The potato spoke. "Please drop  some of those chives and lots of butter on me. I wish to play around before I go to you stomach."
 No the savory fish got into the act. 'Me first. need some tarter sauce. I need a good bath before I leave this earth.
       With each bite, my eyes opened wider. "Can I refill your coke?" '"Much obliged...don't remember tasting such a good fish meal. Thank the cook.
       I paid fifteen dollars for the meal, and well worth it. No Thursday football for me. I went straight to bed and thanked God for precious day that began not too well. You just might say I had a lot to be thankful for.

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