Wednesday, February 14, 2018

The heavy knock on the door may be for you.

My allergy cold had ebbed, bit mot the anger felt for the Sea Cliff Health Center. But at least I know how to handle my brother's eye and ear problems. Yes, fraud has roomed with my brother and I will get after the perpetrators.
   What got me out of bed was what I heard over 1070 A.M.  on my dial. ICE agents began to knock on the door of Mexican alleged criminals and these agents arrested those ancillary to their objectives. Yes, the same hysteria that gripped the Jews in the thirties and early forties caused a panic inside downtown Los Angeles
     In the days of Horst Cahn the agents were named the gestapo. Horst told me his story s few years earlier before his death last year as he turned 89. And his story can be read in many of my earlier blogs. I can still hear his voice.
     "They removed my parents and I from our Essen home and herded us on a crowded train. We  could barely move and had a bucket for our waist. When the train stopped and opened its doors for my Jews in Transit, I picked up the bucket and spilled the excrement on the Nazis...When the train arrived at the concentration camp, my parents went one way. I was happy that they did not have to suffer too long."
On the #33 Magnolia bus now headed for PCH, I noticed some kids on their way to Edison High School off of Hamilton. I wondered what would happen to them when the returned home to find their parents missing, perhaps taken to a holding tank on their way back to Mexico.
   Who would feed them, pay the rent, and most of all, how in God's name could they study the American Way of Life. I am not sure the makeup of these agents, but know they make on an average of $75,000 a year in salary.
    I arrived on PCH at about nine o'clock and waited for my number one bus. I felt happy to be a citizen and could state so on my new driver's license application. I felt appalled that Trump was hiring more agents and probably would soon do the high stepping tricks of Hitler. I also know that to stand back and wait we all could be next.
    I climbed back on my bus and descended in front of the Paseo  Hotel. I caught the #25 bus which took me to the Valentine lunch at the Senior Center. I crossed Golden West and wrote my blog which you see here.

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