Tuesday, April 4, 2017

A Surf City Bag Man

George just left Walmart on Beach. It is nine o'clock and he has cashed his State Retirement check. No longer does he trust banks or ladies with too much makeup. With a new address and new life, he feels ready to publish his Schindler story at long last. His upper respiratory infection is no longer impeding his breathing. He retraces his steps on Talbert Blvd and surveys the yellow  flowers that have not shown their faces in ages-- yes even weeds do become flower.s Across Beach he sees the Bag Man. 
  The bag man dressed in a hooded black sweats waits for the light to turn green where there is a small street mall headed by Seven Eleven. He holds an occupied black trash bag filled to capacity. He is stoic in his appearance.
   He has walked Main street to Beach and back for the  last two months. The thin heavily sunburned man is a regular sight on Beach. Many live at bus stops, sleep on benches when their is wood, or exchange smokes or drugs. They biggest buys are negotiated at bus stops.   Nary any police come by now. Why there is no place to place them and even if there were, they would somehow migrate back to their spot. The bus stops inside Huntington Beach have never heard of skin cancer, as the never conceal the sun.
   George is rich today. His   life has been redeemed with the cashing of his little retirement check.  He crosses the street and removes two dollars from his wallet. He feels generous today and
extracts two dollars from his usually threadbare wallet. The light is about to change and he bellows to the Black Bag Man
   "Sir, I beg of you. Wait for me. God has rejoiced today!"
    The bag man pays no heed, and I puncture the silence with more headless words.
    "Wait up for me, I have a gift from God!"
   The retired teacher shoves the two bills to his face. No reaction. Oh well, George meant well. The bag man, like all homeless have their own agenda, and any attempt to change their bill of fair is usually useless. Unlike Los Angeles where most homeless are black, Huntington's are mainly white or were once,  until dirt and whiskers hid their appearance.
   George is in a great move. Like many Americans, he lives one month at a time and rarely has enough money for family, food or medicine. Later in the day he decided to visit the recently built Pacific City Center on P.C.H. There is a delightful westerly sea breeze today and he is well aware of how the salty air is good for his lungs.
   He again uses his bus pass to get to First and walk the half block to outdoor shopping center with a beach view. He walks up a stair case and spots a vacant lawn chair. He removes his shoes and is glad that his socks match. Yes George has come a long way...A few minute later, he decides to move to a more sociable area and a better view. Sofa chairs adorn the patio area
   He sits on a large couch across from three others. There is a table that separates them. Their is a girl on side apparently waiting for someone...when a smiling bald man sits next to me of course with my permission
    "Where you from?" George happily waves for him share his space.
     "Scot..land. Been here vistin my daughta."
     "There in Edinburgh. 1970. Stayed by the sea shore in Dunbar then. End of July and sun stayed out till eleven. What kind of work to you fancy and where do you live?"
      "Twenty meels outside of Scotland. In the whisky business..."
   They spoke for a few minutes before they spotted a few empty lawn chairs and left. The bald Scot removed his socks that revealed a brighter white then his oval shaped  head. I dare say that these Scots have never seen the sun, that is all except Bloody Mary, who made the error of visiting London Town to be beheaded by Elizabeth but whose head was saved and set up in the Wax Museum.
    A little hungry, George  jabbed into my nap sack for some Farmer Market grapes. While divesting in his last two grapes two precious legs flopped down on an adjacent couch. After he  detached from these juicy ripe legs I looked further. And what a face, dark eyes, hair and a great voluminous smile.
    She ejaculated, "Mind if I share with you."
     "Ah..Ah no. My pleasure dear. Wish a grape?"
     "Nah, ate good lunch while back...Came here today for sun since Anaheim full of fog. Live close by on Orange."  Without directing the conversation she told Good Old Harmless George the her life's history. .
      "Recently divorced. Two happy kids. One works half a year and then travels and the other soaks up life. It is my time now, and now it is all about me. I have trouble concentrating and am going to a therapist. She wants me to get rid of my boyfriend as I meet men that are also co-dependent. I gave him one month to get off of Meth."
      "Well Tina, it is not about him. You should go to a 12 step Al Anon. The more meetings your attend, the better you will be equipped not to respond to the Alcoholic Remember, once an alcoholic always.  My ex came from an Alcoholic family and my family has suffered.'
       Tina changed seats and propped her legs up. She was gorgeous but perhaps to young and crazy today to be with another Our conversation was watched by another who seemed to be taking notes.
       "Tina, how do you spend your evenings?"
       "I am scared to be alone. That is why I am here. I am reading a book about meditation and listen to tapes. I listen to talk radio since I have trouble reading. I can read a page and tell you nothing about it."  At that point, the couple from Scotland began to walk out. Have a safe flight to Heathrow. Enjoyed speaking to you."
       Well George Could have listened for more but the sun was going down. He decided to make it a day and what a day!  Below the 29 was awaiting on PCH. But his day was not over. At five o'clock he felt a twinge of hunger set in. Before heading for home he bought two tacos for a buck and change at Jack in the Box...
       That night he slept so well, he got up only once for nature.



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