This story began inside my shower at the Five Points Senior Center in Huntington Beach. Disgusted with the turn of events that placed a depot on the thrown of the White House, I thought about kicking Humpty Dumpty from his tower of Babel.
Deep in thought while I scrubbed my arms with Dove soap. I thought about my brother stuck at the Sea Cliff Health Center nursing home. What would happen if the Mexican didn't show up for work. Who would clean the sheets, change the diapers and feed these patrons inside this camper that makes about one hundred thousand dollars a bed a year?
I worried about all of the Latinos who no longer could study for fear a love one would be shuttled back to good old Mexico. What would happen if they didn't show up for class? Or even better, what would happen if all Latinos did not show up for work? Humpty Dumpty is not president yet! Do we wait until he is and mobilizes the TSA, FBI and Armed Forces to do away with the Mexicans?
But today, I am at the Milk and Honey Coffee shop on Main, two blocks from the ocean. I am tickled to death I made it to 77 years of age and can enjoy the beach air and the many dogs who walk their owners up and down the block... The other day a message came from the Huntington Beach Hospital. Let me replay my conversation with a Dr. Grey.
"Dr. Don told me it is urgent that Mel has an operation on his ear, so urgent that I will get a bed at the hospital for the procedure."
"Mel would rather die than have Dr. Don operate. He set up two appointments with Dr. Rosenberg. We took a shuttle for both. The first we didn't have an appointment and the second Dr. Rosenberg didn't know why we came -- I had to wheel Mel back to a bus stop in order to return to the Sea Cliff Health Center. Mel was pissed!"
"We will call the Pacific Royal Assistant Living to let them know we are setting up an appointment."
"He no longer lives there. He has stayed at the Sea Cliff for almost two months now, without any action for his ear. A Nurse David told me he suffered from brain cancer -- or at least a Dr. Jennings told him so."
"Don't know if the Sea Cliff will allow us to remove him to the hospital. Will call them."
"Got to go now. I am frying up a Trader Joe's paddy into a burger sandwich with mustard, onions and tomato. Mel is seeing better now since I have augmented his diet. Happy Thanksgiving."
So far nothing has been done at the nursing home. Mel was supposed to get dentures but they never returned. My job, as his brother, is to keep him alive until we can get him to Brail and fit his only eye with a special lens.
After the rain my breathing now is unobstructed. I feel alive for the first time in quite awhile and will shorty take my walk to the end of the Huntington Beach Pier and listen to the sound of the big bands next to Ruby's while I enjoy the fisherman snatch the Mackerel from the sea...It is a beautiful day in Surf City and I will not allow it to go to waist.
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