Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Bank on Wal-Mart

My favorite street lies on Talbert, a major street that connects Huntington Beach with Tustin. To get there, I take the OTA  29 to get to that special corner. And no, it is not just because that is the land of the In N Out Burger. No doubt this yellow arrows secret is that the beef is not refrigerated but the cows are killed no more than fifty miles from the store and brought to the eatery in the early morning.
  The Good Shepard Catholic church runs the width of Talbert, and leads to the Wal-Mart. Sundays find ,many Vietnamese family members at the sight of a love one, with their picture on the stone slab. They converse with the departed and even play music. The older grave stones have names like Smith or Davis inscribed where as the newer ones have Tran or some other Vietnamese name. I cross the street to Wal Mart  and enter the air conditioned store.
  "Hi Jimmy, thanks again for showing me how to use your debit card.
   "We have added a new feature here. We now can send your utility bill electronically. No longer will you need to mail a letter."
       Even though my statement had my account number, their machine could not allow me pay my past-due Verizon bill. Jimmy, the manager in the Huntington Beach store  told me that certain states bought Verizon and it included California.
       In fact, when I am late to pay my account, instead of a mail reminder, an automated messages instructs me to use my credit card for payment.  Verizon is known for double billing and makes billions each year as the unwary or senior citizens are unaware that their bill includes expenses already billed.
Wal-Mart came to my rescue years ago when the Franchise Tax man began to remove my retirement check from my B of A account. I have had the State mail me my check and have taken it to Wal-Mart that charges a few cents to cash it.
  And the good news is that this establishment lies a few yards from the corner N-In-Out burger where I order a "double double, hold the onions and add lots of \pickles and onions. The A/C there is allows my lungs a chance to breathe fresh air.
   Unfortunately, a Christine Jones now has swiped ten percent of my retirement check for taxes not paid due to my hardship situation - so I have problems making ends meet this month. I made the error of providing her with too much information for the last two months.
   So those of you unhappy with your bank, take a chance on Wal-Mart and have a breakfast on me.

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