In the last blog I ended with a trip to a new restaurant in Huntington Beach, just off of Beach and the bus stop a block from Main and my apartments. I mentioned that it is important to remove all the clutter and bullshit from ones life and stick to the five percent.
The It's a Blast Pizza is on my five percent menu. Since my car had vanished from the Five Points Senior Center, I have learned to use my legs and buses to get to my destination. I have ridden over two hundred buses the last two months. It took thirteen buses to visit my ailing brother at the French Park Care Center in Santa Ana. It took its toll on my immune system. But thank God the build-your-own pizza smiled at me at my last bus stop.
Hell, I needed to build a new life anyhow. First my car, then wallet and other disasters fell my way but with the bad came the good. I began to peal away the dredges in my life and keep my waking hours simple but exciting.
It is going on four. I saunter inside the It's a Blast Pizza and young man wearing gloves asks for my order. It feels great to create my own dinner -- just life beginning a new life. Today everything looks divine while the pizza is spread with MarineraSp.
"Take a little bit of each...thanks. I just love artichokes and olives...that is enough and can you spread some raisins on it...That is enough."
"What size drink do you wish sir."
"A small Dr. Pepper please." he hands me a cup.
"That will be ten twenty five please." My pizza is shoveled inside an oven in front of me. My hunger goes up a notch. I take a round table and gaze at the Panda Express. The little bear is none too happy there is a new restaurant on the block. The line is twenty deep now. I refill my cup while my all-ready sliced pizza has arrived. Each piece I savor with joy. My taste buds have never been so happy to indulge.
I don't forget to give a ones-up to the Java and Trader Joes up the street. I get a couple of free cups of coffee at the Trader and their $169 eggs can't be beat for flavor, freshness, or price. And who can come close to beating their 19 cent bananas and flowers galore.
The Java has the best view of this Five Points Corner. But best of all, i can leave the moldy apartment for the upstairs piano. Instead of putting my foot on my car's accelerator, I can play Sinatra tunes to the many seniors who get heart throbs when they hear my music...Excuse me..yes Dr. Will play billiards with you in a minute.
Before I leave you, in no way do I finish the pizza. I save half for a late nights snack.
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