"Don't mind if I do Jack, thanks a lot."
Jack, his American name, has just given me his Salisbury steak - like most Vietnamese, he is a vegetarian. My first plate of steak, string beans, sliced peaches, soup and milk is finished. A well-balanced meal it is. I stack his slice on top of my second meal. Need to budget this month.
"George, will you stay for our bingo game?"
"Why not? Haven't played since the age of nine. Can I grab some coffee for you Jack?"
I walk to the coffee urn and Rita smiles and blurts out, "Haven't heard piano playing like that in quite a-while. Do you play professionally?"
I told her "No, but enjoy playing by ear. Let me know what songs you wish me to play next time. Several more friendly Vietnamese sit down. Some came after the Vietnam war to America and made a good choice in Westminster or Huntington Beach.
Across the hall I pick up four bingo cards for one dollar. I hate bingo, but enjoy the atmosphere. The head lady calls out number 50. Hilda raises her hand and claims a five dollar voucher for Trader Joe's. I play a few games with the four for a dollar cards. At about one o'clock, I bug out stating an earlier appointment. I am bored!
I return to my pad by way of Main Street and enjoy an air conditioning sleep. The Huntington Beach winds have chased the clouds to Anaheim. The clean salty air feels divine. One hour later I slice off part of the steak and take a cup of string beans My body has been racked by a bronchial infection and food, clean air, and rest are my medications.
It is quiet and cold, just the way I want it. My daughter came through with her security deposit and the fact she co-signed for me. I feel sorry for those without daughters. I can hardly wait for my two darling grand children to visit me. In the future, I wish to teach them the piano.
The other night, I visited the Bella shopping center and saw a picture about the beach boys and their leader Wilson. Now the songs that I keep hearing will have the chance to metastasize. The only place that is noisy is the library. These folks think they are shopping at Target. Yet I am so relaxed that it does not bother me. You see, I had a delightful sleep on the couch. The air-mattress was not needed.
No longer will I have to look for a Motel Six, where the Texas owners can change the rates day by day. I now have the control. And it is great sorting out all of the stories I have written the past several years. Two more returns to my Carlsbad storage shack will provide a place for me to organize my stuff.
Got to go now. Need to buy a plastic trash holder and some more paper towels Slowly the place is beginning to take shape.
To update this post, the Senior Center has given me nourishment for many days. No, you don't get a lot, but enough to satisfy your stomach.
I enjoy playing their piano and without music too. The singing group called Happy to Know You asked me to come to a social in Costa Mesa. I went to the piano and played that song from The Sound of Music.
Now I am writing songs for my football story.
It is great to wake up to make coffee, and eat two eggs and a banana for breakfast on my patio. I just wonder if heaven is this way.