Tuesday, April 21, 2015

A Denny's Waitress/ Young Man

My retirement check always comes a day or two or three late. I try to have a one hundred dollar bill inside my wallet - just in case. It was the first of the month when I entered Denny's , in Encinitas. Dennis is opened 24 hours or it would have been out of business moons ago.
  Before I proceeded up the street to wash my white, I felt like a good breakfast at Denny's. The only green I had was a one hundred dollar bill.  It was going on seven when Bobby entered my life. She came over to me like she had known me my entire life. Shyness was a stranger to Bobby who probably was born talking.  
    "Do you wish to try our specials that include waffles with apple syrup, or the senior special that comes with my smile?"  And that is when I met Bobby, eye to eye. She looked at me as if I was a rat and she a snake. "What do you want young man. Can I start you off with coffee...What do you think of my hair?.."
  And then I knew what my life had been all of these wasted years. missing after puberty:  A young damsel with a personality and smile that would put others to shame. She swam around Denny's speaking to everyone as if she was the recreation director on a Princess Cruise.  "Can  I top off your coffee young man."
  Now other Denny's waitresses call me  "Pops", or "Sweetie" or "honey" but never "young man."  Bobby  was trim and had a flare  that told me  her husband was lucky to celebrate the Fourth of July every evening. My appetite heightened and my pancakes were easily digested.
   "Well we can't break one hundred It is too early." 
    "No problem. I will return with the six and change."
The  day two weeks ago will always be remembered. All I had was a hundred dollar bill at the beginning of April. She did not have change and told me to pay later. Of course in no-way could I pay my debt until my retirement check arrived.
  I returned to the scene of the crime a few days ago. I paid what I owed with a tip to the manager. He told me that Bobby worked on Tuesdays. Well today, the 21st was the day I returned, but did not see any Bobby. The dark haired smiling face had been replaced by a blond who had two balls of hair on top of her head.
  The new waitress turned around. No way! It isn't! Am I seeing things?  And there was the same Bobby face with its forever smile.  "Do you remember me?"
   "How can I forget you, young man. Sit anywhere, you deserve it. Do you wish to begin with coffee?'
    "How about some sliced apples to go with the pancakes." She provided me with two cups of syrup and spoke with the cook about her two cats.
   "Hey Bobby, how long have you been married to the lucky one?" She retorted, "Sixteen marvelous years. I live with five boys including my husband and two male cats."
   '"Here is a five and keep the change. Thanks for providing my lift for the day."
    'Looking forward to seeing you again, Young Man.
   Today, Tuesday, I returned to take her picture, with her approval of course. She promised to have her 30's hair a dirty blond color on top. It was six thirty and I parked my car in the Days Inn and Dennis parking lot off the Encinitas Blvd.  Five Mexican already stood in the lot and waited to be picked up for a days-work. Shrubs and trees hid Denny's is and the Days Inn from the blvd. Anywhere there is a Denny's , you can be sure a Motel Six or other motel is close by. 
   "Hi dolling, sit anywhere...The usual coffee and water today eh?" She greeted me with the usual transparent smile. 
    "I'll take the scrambled eggs with the cakes this time-around." She greeted another table with "You look beautiful my friend. Can I start you off with coffee?" 
    I removed my Spirit of St. Louis book and began to read how 'Lindy' created his flying boat at the Ryan building. The first time I visited Lindbergh Field, the last wooden remains of the Ryan building was being torn down. 
    Bobby greeted more patrons with a "Hi lovely" and brought my breakfast with two sliced applies. "Sure I will take your picture Dolling." 
   The tall manager arrived at about seven. I had spoken to him yesterday and found out he drove all the way from Mission Villejo. I told him to take Metro-Link in the morning and have his car parked at the Oceanside Transit Center. 
   "Is is safe to park the car there? He asked. 
   "No problem, and you can save on gas and take your car the fifteen remaining miles to this eatery. Can you take a few pictures of me and Bobby?  


  1. Too bad Bobby can't be duplicated at other Dennis. The others just don't have the make-up like Bobby does. She is a throw back to the restaurants in the fifties when service was important. Never once did she ask me "How the food was?"

  2. When you weigh any waitress, this one is a ten! That is the way that all Denny's waitresses should be. And this one does not call me "Pops" or "Honey" like the other Denny's eateries.

  3. George,
    So sweet and cute and creative of you! I figured out after paper you left and found website! I adore that you create, write, and I am in it! So touching that you thought of me after the breakfast! As you figured, I am sure, most of folks are my people that return...now I am blessed, and lucky, to know you!!!! You are a joy and a "fun, curious, life living, stories to tell" man...oh, young man :~) ! Thank you for being you!!!! I shall peruse more of yr blogs!!
