Later the same year, he took my advise and visited the Scripps Mercy Hospital. Ex-rays revealed two leg blockages and an issue with a heart muscle. The leg surgeries proved successful and a doctor told him his heart could wait. Unfortunately, two truck accidents inside of Mexico caused two more surgeries He became somewhat immobile for two months but lived. In fact he spent more time inside the hospital than the world outside. No doubt his Jewish prayers had been answered.
"Good morning Sam, how are you doing?"
"How are you celebrating Christmas. Do you wish to hang out with me?"
, "Already have. You see Larry, each day is Christmas. I unwrap a different gift each day. Tell you what. I will be returning to San Diego on Sunday. I can meet you after church service or before my dancing lessons."
Tuesday morning at the Carlsbad Dove Library, a famous author confirmed what I knew: "George, you will become a famous author one day. Unlike other writers, you are transparent and live a diversified life. Most writers only write. Why you play the piano by ear, dance, and most of all, you have enormous confidence as a comedian."
. I took another look at myself inside the mirrored room and saw a different me. Why I even think I had a halo covering me head. Now after Tuesday's meeting with an author of fourteen books, I have caught up with the new George. With a strong Godly foundation, my life has only one way to go, and that is to the top. Just watch me. I play the piano at the Encinitas Senior Center and now wish to polish my key-board talents playing in a jazz band.
The Balboa dancing lessons had paid dividends. Like my Mom had said, "George, with your lisp, you better learn to dance and play the piano. That way you will get the girls without needing to speak." Well my Mom Edith was party right.. My thirteen-year-old braces gave me the ability to speak without a lisp. Excitement fills my own life. And the combination of music with dance has bedazzled my new life inside San Diego's fish bowl.
The highlight of last year occurred during the Thanksgiving weekend, and it cost only $25 dollars to listen to several of the one hundred bands brought to the Town and Country hotel. I usually focused on the piano players but a face in the crowd unnerved me.
It was a silver-haired-blond. Yes it was the smiling blond that got my attention. Never in my life have I seen such a gorgeous angelic face. I just knew she had to be married to the hunched-over man who was her life's dancing partner. Darn, it I saw her too late! I walked over to the charming couple.
You are the most-in-love couple I have ever witnessed on the dance floor. Would With my camera, I walked over to the charming couple and asked them if I could take their picture. They smiled and agreed. Susanne looked even more beautiful up close. Susanne confided it was their second marriage, and they had been married for 27 years.
"Do you mind if I take your picture?" David and Susie smiled and told Sue I could guess her age. "I'll bet your are 65 years old." "Wrong George. I am 66." "Where did you meet?" "We met at a dance. While I was dancing, he came up and pushed away my partner. I found out later they were best friends. I really did not care for this engineer at first but found out later that he had the right moves and had a wonderful personality. We try to go dancing twice a week. Our marriage is so strong honey is no longer needed inside our coffee. I left the couple from Virginia but did get their phone number. I felt sorry not to have a Susanne- in-tow but just maybe next year - God will send an angel from heaven for me.
As you can see, I love to mingle with people. I find it most exciting. Next year I will pay the one hundred dollars for the entire Thanksgiving weekend. But most of all, I love being the Grandfather of Summer and Spring. One is one and the other is four.
My act has a long-long way to go, so try to keep up with me or better yet, meet me at Balboa Park where I take dancing lessons. You will find me not only a fine dancer but handsome for one in his middle seventies.
"No, I never watch Dancing with the Stars, since it is I am the star - at least in my own eyes.
If I should die, I want it to happen on a dance floor with a pretty dame.