I have been two-stepping it for the last two weeks, between the Alisa Rest Stop and the Motel Six. Like my daughter told me, there is always good and bad with every choice we make. She made a decision to kick me out of her apartment two weeks ago, and that has made all of the difference.
"Bet I know what you want, the croissant tuna sandwich." I had entered Linda's Ice Cream store at the foot of Carlsbad Village Drive and a few feet from the ocean. I sat on an outside patio chair with a cool ocean breeze caressing me.
Her ice cream store sits a few feet from the two main streets that cross each other. They are Carlsbad Village Drive and Carlsbad Blvd. It is the busiest intersection in all of North County. No right turn is allowed when the Neon comes on. A green light means pedestrians can walk across diagonally.
The Daily News cafe is on one side and the old Victorian Ocean House sits on the other. There is a fish house on one corner and drug store on the other.
Shauna asks me if I will order an ice cream cone. "Well if I have room for it. If I do, it will be the usual, the sherbet chocolate cone . Just love your 30's hairdo. You look lovely dear. .
The evening before I had a bout with food poisoning and also an asthma attack at a rest stop. Now it was my time to relax and enjoy the day, one minute at a time. The beautiful sea in all of its glory made me feel alive.
Linda's Dreyer's ice cream store has been a favorite of mine Her pickled tuna sandwiches, with olives and peppers kept me alive four years ago during my first visit to this beach community.
"We missed you George. Remember the name you gave the other gal?" She was speaking about the owners tall and skinny daughter. I took off my saddle back shoes and placed my tired feet on the cool pavement. My toes thanked me for allowing them air time. "Hell yes. I called her Icabad Crane, the wandering school teacher in Washington Irving's Legend of Sleeping Hollow. My kids in high school just loved for me to read it aloud in class. It was my favorite story just before Halloween.
Her rolled up hair buns winked at me. On my table now sat my favorite sandwich. I could smell the hefty amount of fresh tuna while I surveyed the sandwich. I waited a few second for my juices to flow inside my mouth before I picked it up.
Part of the Croissant tore off, but I didn't mind one bite. My first bite I savored for up to one minute. My body shook with delight while I picked up the pickle to give it more spice. So tasty it was, I almost ate the ends of my fingers off from nail to knuckle.
It took me all of one hour to drench my body with this treat. I left the best olives for last. I reentered Linda's and before my lips moved, Shana spoke. "Don't tell me. You wish the Sherbet, chocolate on a sugar cone...right?
The three glorious lumps she topped on the cone was more than I could eat. It melted so fast my lips had to go into overdrive swirling around and around the cone. I did not wish the pavement to taste any of my ice cream treat.
The one hour hot bath I took at the Motel Six's motel had taken its toll. I needed time to rest. Television only upset me. I have had enough of football, Obama's promises, and all the sex, violence and boring shows T.V offered.
Instead I removed a biography about John Wayne and dreamed about making love to Marlene Dietrick the same way John Wayne did. She was a sexy movie star from the 30's.
At about seven o'clock, I drove to the Tip Top restaurant off of Palomar Road. A herd of cars were creeping along the other way. These idiots braved the 100 degree heat to watch the Miramar Air Show.
I woke up at one o'clock nervous. I knew it must have been my food poisoning or just the excitement of staying alive.
Just for this week: Intend to oil and lube my car Dolly. In back of the Mobil Station off the 5 is one of the best mechanics in all North County. Will have my Midas touch at the Wednesday dance at one o'clock. Also will go to Balboa Park for their Thursday dance. Like the October weather, I am hot to trot this month.
Nuts and Bolts for November: Will be at the Town and Country in hotel circle to hear over 100 20's jazz bands. Also the nags will be running at Del Mar in that month.
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