I sometimes don't heed my own advice. Never drive to San Diego. Yesterday late afternoon I played Russian roulette with the five freeway.
I had left San Diego that morning. Even after I had number 19 tooth extracted, not rain, hail or sleet could keep me away from my two grand children, Allison and Olivia. One is gaining on five months and the other desires her Mom to baby her again. Already sibling rivalry has begun.
It was four thirty Saturday afternoon. I let out out a huge yawn in the backyard Belmont Shores home.
"Grampa tired Daddy."
I heeded Olivia's words and made my adieus. i planted a kiss on Baby's head and told Olivia I love her - after a big hug. Meanwhile the exhausted Mother, my daughter, slept. I had taken some bacterial medication and wished to run home to San Diego.
My car Dolly skipped along the 5 freeway going south from Long Beach. I felt encouraged that the new air filter gave her more bounce after a fill up.I made it to Leisure World with no trouble. I would surely make it to the seven nineteen Amtrak in Encinitas. (Amtrak allows compass ticket holders ot passes to ride many of their Surfliners to and from San Diego-at no charge.
My mind was on cruise control just before San Juan Capistrano It felt like threading a needle all the way to Oceanside. But I still felt relaxed. A visit to my gorgeous grand kids saw to that. Dolly would speed up to twenty only to put her feet down suddenly. It was stop and go. Her shoes took a beating, but the car never overheated - even after 180,000 miles. (My car Dolly will turn into a children's book.)
Somehow I made it all the way to Oceanside. I should have known better and parked my car at the San Juan commuter train station...I could have taken Amtrak and paid for only the slice to Oceanside. Oh well I didn't. To my surprise, the winding trail opened up - a bit at Carlsbad. My eyes began to shut.
At exactly seven five, Dolly made it to the Encinitas station. With fifteen minutes to spare, I headed for the rest room on D street and began reading a book - something I can't do when driving Dolly. My stomach no longer ached for food. Now it wished for sleep. I heard the sound of the train's high pitched whistle and left my concrete bench to a few skateboarders.
Now happily inside, I placed my black beanie over my head for a few winks. I dropped the seat down adn made it all the way to the Santa Fe Station. I took a pill and dropped down into a deep slumber. In my dream I lost my black car.
In about one and a half years, over one million tourists will climb into San Diego. Those with a smart head, will take the train, bus, skateboard, scooter or fly in. They, like me, will use their legs and lose weight during their stay here.
Dolly costs me thirty five dollars a month for insurance. I am able to read and enjoy the San Diego scene without the headaches driving brings. and above all, don't drive after Valentine's Day preceding President's. .
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